The difference between the 3rd and 5th dimension

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Julien Moorrees
The most important difference between the 3rd and 5th dimensional reality is the change in time and space and how this is experienced. Time and space are permanent realities in the 3rd dimension. In the 5th dimension they are fluid and largely seen as an illusion.

In the 5th dimension the three-dimensional time is perceived as the eternal now or present time. Day and night are seen as mechanic markings in the cycle of existence. Time does not affect the creative potential of the NOW moment. This means that what you experience at the this time is the only and essential experience. The past and future in this are not significant. What you create and experience at this time is who and what you are and what you will be.

If you fully understand this principle you can survive the feeling that there's not enough time to reach your goal. Concentrate on the present moment, experience it completely, and you will find that time stretches out into eternity. Know that what you concentrate on will become more powerful and will manifest itself in your life. You then experience the power of a creator of the 5th dimension.